It wouldn't take much for us to plan several small meets for the Saint Louis local folks during the summer. Maybe just a night of cruising at Chuck-A-Burger several times during the summer?
Justin (BlackSol94) requested that I plan another full-scale meet for September when he is done with his tour in Iraq.
Some questions:
1. What were the parts of the last meet that you liked the most? 2. What were the parts of the last meet that you liked the least? 3. What sort of activities would you like to have seen at the last meet? 4. Did you like the structured/scheduled nature of the last meet or would you prefer a more or less unstructured event instead. 5. The logistics and details of doing a bbq or some such are somewhat problematic to plan for (how much food, what types of food, what beverages, how to arrange for everything to be there when it is needed including getting the grill(s) going, etc. How important is it that we include something like that in the next meet? 6. Would you like to see some sort of sports activities like volleyball? or ? at the next meet? 7. Would you find it too redundant to do nearly the same cruise in a future meet? My thought is that fall foilage could be really beautiful for a September meet and the drive along the bluffs is spectacular when the leaves turn! With this in mind, even the same exact route for the cruise could be very nice! 8. One of the comments was to find less expensive activities: A lower budget place to have lunch. Don't return to the Grand Prix Speedway (first indoor track). (I selected indoor racing venues because there was a low probability for fit weather for outdoor activities - i.e., too cold, too cloudy, too wet) 9. Perhaps we could arrange to "rent" the Boschertown outdoor go cart track for an hour or two at a flat rate? Autumn weather is usually dry warm and sunny. 10. Do you even want me to attempt to plan another meet in the St. Louis area? 11. Would you rather someone else plan the next meet? 12. I would like to hear your ideas and suggestions as well as suggested dates for future meets!